Waste management is one of the major problems faced in the world, especially countries with massive population. its no doubt that wastes generated in industrialized countries are far much larger than those generated in developing countries, meanwhile, they have adequate facilities in place to manage there wastes, however, developing countries are still battling with proper waste management due to inadequate knowledge about safe collection and disposal of wastes. Waste management services deals with the safe disposal and recycling of wastes in order to create a cleaner and better environment. It will be interesting to know of an ecosystem that will turn your waste materials into useful outputs, Swachh ecosystem aimed at transforming waste materials into a useful products of high economic value.

Permit me to introduce you to an ecosystem whose sole intention will be focused on transformation of waste input from homes, companies and industries into a useful products of high economic value., I am not talking of any other organization other than SWACCH ORGANIZATION.
Swacchcoin is a blockchain based technology aimed at transmogrification of waste products into an efficient product of high economic value. Swachh Ecosystem is essentially a DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation) and works on the instructions of a smart contract. The sole aim of Swacch is to create a scrupulously clean community around the world and improve the economic standards of the people professionally attached to the industry.
Issues regarding management of waste is one of the most talked about and cannot be left unattended, some of the problems associated with waste management includes;
  • Excessive generation: Generation of excessive waste has been a long time problem, it was reported by world bank that United states has the highest percentage of waste generation amounting to 4.6pounds per day, this denote that an average citizen in America will generate and disposed about 1,200pounds of wastes every year. since the 60s, generation of waste has tripled and it was reported that per-capita waste disposal is expected to increase upto 1.5 kilograms per day by 2025. This is absolutely high when compared to 1.2Kg of today.
  • Toxicity waste: Loads of toxic wastes are been generated each year amounting to about 440million Tons. this include solids,liquids, gases and other industrial wastes. Report has it that about 63.5million tons of radioactive material has been established and Uranium derived from spent nuclear fuel being the most prominent, buried in landfills, trenches and unlined tank. these toxic wastes when buried in landfills and streams are taken up by aquatics which is further consumed by humans.its very harmful and that is why we have increasing numbers of cancer reports each year.
  • Mismanagement:Corruption is everywhere, ever since waste-management has evolved into a profit making venture, people who have the ability for effective waste management has been outsmart by some companies waiting to invest in the business. Waste are not properly managed and recycled the way it should be done and those involved are less concerned of the environmental impacts of non safe disposal of wastes could have on the masses
  • Landfills issue: Most materials that end up as wastes are majorly toxic, if such materials are buried in landfills, they will decompose and finds there way to the nearest streams, groundwater and such will be unsafe for consumption and can be a big problem to the health of the individual who directly through drinking of water or indirectly by eating fish grown in such an environment.
Problems faced by global waste management can not be solved by an individual or organization. For this objective to be achieved, awareness and mass contributions will greatly help. However, some of the proposed solution invented by Swacch to tackle this problems are
  1. Awareness will be created on the safe and effective disposal of waste and people will be compensated monetarily if the guides are properly followed.
  2. it was proven that the amount of generated outputs is significantly reduced when wastes are intermixed together, thus, Swacch will solve this problem by practicing waste segregation at source in SWBINS.
  3. Lack of infrastructures and antiquated technologies used by most waste management agencies greatly limits there operational capabilities, Swacch will tackle this problem by promoting the agency involved by supplying them with the latest infrastructures and at the same time updating the knowledge of the people involved.
Swacch aimed at building a decentralized waste management institute comprising of industries and households waste majorly.Swacch also aimed at surprising people by compensating them monetarily for proper waste management, this way, proper waste management will be a day to day activities and will be pleasing to be done by people
Technology and Tools used by Swacch

Symbol : SCX
total supply : 400M
Token type: ERC 20
Decimals : 18
Contract address:





In Conclusion, Swacch ecosystem aimed at transforming wastes into a useful output of high productivity and economic demands. With there proposed solutions to the challenges faced by the waste management agencies, especially the compensatory aspect using Swacch tokens, this will spread the functionality of the token and with the partnerships announcement, no doubt that this project will be a success and a great one.
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